Thursday, March 13, 2008

OMG ><

So after going through alot of my stuff, i jumped for joy when i finally found my cash of disks that had my writings on them. Then after rushing to my laptop and searching all over the damned thing, my heart just sank...i only have a cd drive on this laptop :( my disks are useless here.
~sigh~ 1 day ill have to go to the library and print all this out. Half of it i havnt even looked at since high school(which was lets, its been 4 years since i stepped inside a school lol)
Or maybe...~dun dun dunnnnn~ ill make new stuff or try to remember my old stuff.
I'll try later today i guess, untill then!

~settles down on the nice comfy couch and cracks open "The Killing Dance" by Laurell K Hamilton~



Anonymous said...

Glad you found them.

jhunnelle said...

just checking your blog, i saw it on "share your blogs" me too i'm new to this world called can check mine

be well