Friday, April 11, 2008


If you haven't seen this film and actually want to, I suggest you don't read this post.

So the dvdrip download of this movie came out recently and I was able to grab It and have It finish In record time. (about 30 minutes to my surprise) Well, there was a big deal about this movie and we were excited to finally get to see It. Both of us were thoroughly disappointed.
First, my boyfriend Is a survival nut, and I've got the pleasure of learning all about It as well just by being around him. So since the first "big bang" hit In the movie he Immediately started spouting off all the things they did wrong. And sadly, so did I, but only In my head. In all honesty, they should of died within the first 10 minutes of the attack. And don't even get my started on the ending when there helicopter was grabbed and thrown, and OMG AMAZING the 3 douches In the back seat, one who should have already been dead just by bleeding out, lived while the 2 army guys with body gear and helmets and training, died. Oh, and how 80/100 of the army's missiles and such missed(fyi, that just doesn't happen anymore with our technologies nowadays)
And talk about huge disappointment with the monster. I mean, It was better for me to think of It as one of those funny caption pictures of a reeealllyy fat and ugly girl destroying Manhattan.(I know, I know, that's mean, but trust me, It did make the movie better) And I just can't seem to find the picture I'm talking about but It'll pop up again one day I'm sure.
Oh, and while we're on the monster, how about those mini monsters that dropped off of him? They're like, a knock off of Starship Troopers amiright? To make up for that, they could of at least let us see that one chick explode after she got bit, Instead of hiding It. ~sigh~
I'm not sure If the movie was ruined for me for the simple fact of they should have died within that first 10 minutes of the attack, but lucky for them, movie magic happened. I really don't feel like going through all the hundreds of times that they wouldn't have lived being as I just can't remember most of them, after seeing that end helicopter scene I was just, awed at the amount of...God I can't even think of the word! If you've seen It, you have to agree, you just have to. Oh, and just another fyi, the military pilots would of NEVER flown that helicopter In the same direction of the many missiles and monster, never...
So, ok, I do like the fact that It was an original idea(the dude "documenting" the whole thing(I don't see Blair Witch Project as something to ever be mentioned In the movie world so don't think about It lol) By doing that It did make It a watchable movie. It just wouldn't be as talked about as It was If It was made the regular movie way. I just wish they would of at least looked up some survivalist things on the Internets. It was just obvious the writer didn't do a lick of research on anything they put Into the movie, and It could of been more...realisitic?...If they did.
That's my 2 cents, like It or not :)

1 comment:

Arjun said...

yeah i agree, it could have been a much better movie.

But still, it wasnt bad:D