Monday, April 14, 2008

Sooo Yeah...

We got a house. Well, we should any ways. There was this house up for rent and we couldn't go see It until the weekend. And apparently there was some other lady who had just seen It and was really interested. The realtor was supost to give me a call back later Friday If she wanted It but she never did. So me being used to upsets figured she lost my number or wrote It down wrong and the house was taken.
But no! I called Saturday morning and she said the lady was still trying to decide so we drove on over to the place and was like almost immediatly(we were nice and let her do the whole realtor routine and talk and walk us through It lol) we just said yes how much do you want to hold It until next payday!
So, stupid us didn't even think to bring a check book ~sigh~ so we ended up having to go to her sons baseball game(which was actually fine because we met up with someone we know anyways to pass the time) So we handed her the holding money and our rent application and now we're just waiting for her to email us the lease agrement.
And that's where we are so far. And this Is where I'm getting a little nervous. She said she'd have It to us by Saturday night or Sunday morning at the latest, and It never came. Now I know she's busy and all and It most likely will come today but still, If you've read my past houseing posts, you'd see why I'm getting nervous, I just have no luck with this stuff.
I really hope nothing bad happened, we've already began making moving piles and planning out the house and telling everyone. I just don't think I could take having what I want so much taken away from me because of some stupid mistake.(I.E.-the lady who wanted It first actually said so first and paid already blah blah something like that I'm sure you get where I'm going)
So, I guess I'll keep you updated, I'm sure nothing wrong happened, I'm just getting stressed for no reason and the lease papers will come today. So, until then, I'm going to try to think happy knowing I finally get a house.(and knowing the douche bags upstairs are still going to be In apartments with someone living below them that wont take there shit Is a huge huge bonus)



Aw, that's great! I'm really happy for you cos you've been wanting to move out for ages.
Hope everything goes well in your new house.

Anonymous said...

Well I'll keep my fingers crossed that everything goes right for you.

Sugarbelly said...

Thanks both of you :) I'm so happy right now!