Friday, April 4, 2008


It's day 3 now where I just don't feel like doing a damn thing. I think the stress just caught up to me and exploded In my brain.
Getting a house, whether It's renting or owning, In this town Is just, Impossible. Not unless you want to pay out the ass and have your neighbour an Inch away from you. Might as well just stay In the cheaper and easier to maintain apartments. So, sadly, for now we are just going to move Into a smaller apartment In the same complex. I already warned my bf, If our neighbours are just as bad as the ones we have now, I'm going to have to go back to Alabama to have a nice long vacation at my parents farm.(Yes I'm a spoiled country girl which Is why I can not deal with listening to people and their noise.)
This upcoming election will actually determine where we will be living for a while. If the new president pulls the troops out of Iraq, my bf no longer has a job with this company. And If the troops are out, they no longer need him to program for the Army, so there Is absolutely no reason to stay In this town. But then he gets to go through Hell looking for another job that pays just as much or more.
But yeah, there was only 3 houses that fit what we needed, well we thought so any ways. When I called to get Information on them, I was told that the one I really really liked, didn't except animals :( Then the other one, I couldn't get anyone to admit to being In charge of showing It. They kept transferring me from person to person and I eventually got Into a loop so Its just like....screw this. And the last one, It's just to far away really :(
Weird how only, well 2 places now, were what we are looking for In this whole town. How every other house here Is built within inches of the other so It's not worth It at all to leave an apartment. Also, how every apartment office and realtor is CLOSED on the weekends. I mean, come on. Are you serious? How they stay In buisness, I'll never know.
Well, I think thats enough rambling for now. These all natural things still arn't really showing any signs of working, but I hope I'm not the lazy bum this upcoming week again like I was this week. I'm off to go enjoy my noisey weekend, Take care everyone, I'll come visit blogs prolly Monday.

P.S.-I have no clue If I'm repeating myself on some of these subjects. So sorry In advance I guess ><

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Go Youtube!

So today is April Fools day, and If you havn't heard or gone to Youtube yet today...GO! They Rick-Rolled the world. All their featured videos are rickrolls from people who work at Youtube, It's just about the greatest April Fools prank I've ever seen.
I've been feeling crappy and not wanting to do much for the past few days so I'm having a Johnny Depp marathon lol. All movies he has made I've been watching(besides "Blow" cause I just didn't like it ><)
I also came across this band that happened to pop up on my Pandora list. They're called "Jakalope" I think they came out In 2004? LOL only took me 4 years to discover them. They're pretty good, so check them out If you want. A download Is available right now over on, not sure for how long she can keep It up though so hurry! She was nice enough to fill In my request for them so If Its down request It again on the forums and maybe she can put It back up again.
Ummm the whole house finding just Isn't going anywhere right now. We still got some time but I don't wanna wait last minute and he KNOWS I can't do It on my own.
I started taking St. Johns Wort and some Holy Basil this past weekend because I suffer from depression/anxiety(who doesn't now a days) and I have some major anger problems. I'm afraid to take a prescription pill for It because you're pretty much extremely suicidal the first 2 weeks you're on them. So I figured If I can control It even just a little bit through some all natural things, I'll do It. It's only been a few days like I said so I don't really notice a change :( I'm In hopes I won't have to go see a doctor and these will work.
Ok, I'm off to go browse some blogs, take care!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Seriously...why bother?

So, my sister had a baby right after this past Thanksgiving. The only reason I've been able to see It since Its been born, Is because my parents came to town to come visit, as parents tend to do when they have a new grandchild.
The months leading up to her baby being born, and the months that have followed, I have kept trying to make plans with her. She always seems like, happy to do something with me and everyday leading up until "The Big Day" that we get to spend time with each other we keep going through all these different things we can do. And EVERY time, either the night before or the same day It's always "Oh I don't feel so good I think we have to reschedule" or "The baby doesn't feel good" or, my personal favorite, "We have to go to a baby shower today, I totally forgot until now"
This, right here, Is no joke. Every other weekend, If even that long In between, they have a baby shower to go to on her boyfriends family's side. Gee, no wonder she got pregnant, they must of not had a baby shower for that weekend!
Well, this past weekend me and my bf drove the 2 hours to Tucson to do some errands, and we were going to hang out with her and her baby and bf. They were excited about using us as an excuse to leave the baby shower early. So 30 minutes before we were set to meet each other, I call her to see If they're home yet, and she tells me "We can't leave, everyone got here late, we promise In a week or two we'll go down to your place."
Now I know this post will be a bit long, so by all means, you don't have to finish, I just really need to get this off my chest.
So at this point, im extremely pissed off. We had planned this for 2 weeks. We had canceled plans to do something with an In-town friend right before I called my sister. So we then got to call them back and make me look like a total douche for having a shitty sister. So needless to say, I didn't have the greatest of attitudes the whole time we hung out with them, which I apologize to them, but I'm sure they understand.
It's not like I live states away from her, It Is only a 2 hour drive If even, but that's far beyond the point. We always got along amazingly well for siblings. She's 4 years older then me but growing up we looked alot alike and always got mistaken for twins. After I graudated, I moved In with her and her then husband. Then when she left him, me and her moved Into an apartment together for about a year. It was really really fun, to bad she always had the boy she cheated on her husband with over there constantly.(Which Is why I left, his family has no problem giving him a free ride but I sure as hell am not)
So pretty much ever since I moved out, she keeps blowing us off last minute. I think of the hundreds of times we made plans, they only followed through on maybe 10 of them?
I'm not sure whats going on In her head, or whats going on In her home, or what she's trying to hide. But If this continues me and my bf are going to make It a point to randomly drive over there and stop by unexpectidly. It could very well be coincidence, but I'm tired of these "coincidences" happening last minute all the time.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

New Router!

So we finally got a new router on Friday(but It still took us the whole weekend to get It to work with my laptop ~sigh~) So no more getting kicked offline every 2 minutes or less!...literally...we were getting kicked offline that much : /
Soooo now I get to go around and actually make comments on peoples blogs that left comments on mine again and find some new people out there.
It was horrible, I couldn't even stay online long enough to write a simple comment. So glad that's over with!
And now that I've used the word "so" about 20 times already, I think I'll go and browse the web again! Ahhh how I missed it so.
Maybe I can now stay more active and talkative on these sites, lucky for you guys Mwahahaaaa...... O.o