Sunday, April 13, 2008

O.O ~blink blink~ O.O

I'm still in shock over the good/odd weekend I've had.
First of all, my Internet got terminated because OH NOES!!!!!11!!1 I was caught seeding a movie I downloaded! What was my punishment? Oh, call this number and say "Hey turn my shizznit back on biotch." Simple. Yeah, that's gonna stop me from seeding a movie again. And what movie was this? Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone. I just had to have a Harry Potter marathon like, a month ago. And they just caught me. LOL Never mind the fact I seeded It for only the length of the movie and I also downloaded the other 4 Harry Potter's and like 3 other movies In the same day. No No, they only cared about the that one. Strike 1, 2 more, I'm out. Which doesn't matter anymore for the simple fact of:
Eeeeeee! I still don't know how It happened. After calling every single house in the newspaper, only 1 fit what we could afford and whatnot. When I called to make the appointment for Saturday, she told me someone else was very interested in the place, and she was supposed to give a yes or no to them by Friday night. Well, apparently that lady was still thinking It over and when me and my boyfriend got there Saturday afternoon to go see the house, It took us all of 5 minutes to say we want It. For one thing, someone was outside listening to music, and the second we walked inside and closed the door, we couldn't hear It at all. In and empty house, we couldn't hear the outside world. And why was this? It's an actual house. It's made of brick and stuccoed over. So Its thick, and an actual house! Not this cardboard shit with paint over It people make nowadays.
I just still can't believe It. I'm so happy!! But I'll have to write more on this later, we are off to do our Sunday hiking. So, have a great day everyone!

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