Friday, April 18, 2008
2 Weeks!
So we move in like 2 weeks, or less. So I prolly won't be very active until after the move. Or maybe I'm lieing and I'll be on everyday as usual, who knows! So we shall see, until then :) Take Care!
Ahh the good ol' days
So I'm sitting here bored outa my mind. So I decide to Google up my elementary and middle school. I found out some interesting things.
First, my elementary school, Lake Forest Elementary(Home of the Rangers!!wooo lol) STILL has the same freakin principle I had while in 5th grade. Bwah? It's been, 11 years since I went there. Now, Its possible she was principle for a few years, then backed out, and came back, but that's a long time. Also, they now have to wear uniforms! Suck. The outside still looks the same and some of the teachers names are even a little familiar.
And as for my middle school, McNicol Middle, the only weird thing about that place now Is It's obviously sooooo much more better now then It was back then. It was the scariest thing in the world to be 1 of 3 white kids in that school(no, I'm not trying to be mean here, or exaggerate, It was the truth and It was just in a very bad part of town) But looking at some pictures It looks like there's a bit more diversity at the school now and surprisingly the walls aren't filled with graffiti and It looks very well kept.
They rebuilt It the last "year" I was there(we moved to a new town after about a month of my 7th grade). They made It a very nice 2 story huge white building, and I so expected It to be completely covered in spray paint before I had even left It. I'm very happy they got some teachers/principle in there that look like they actually giving a shit, that was a huge problem when me and my sister went there. If you showed up and didn't hop over the fence and get yourself killed, you passed. Now they actually teach!
So If you find yourself bored, go Google your old schools, Its rather interesting! Just thought I'd share :)
And oh, my puppies cut Is so much better after we performed some first aid on It :)
First, my elementary school, Lake Forest Elementary(Home of the Rangers!!wooo lol) STILL has the same freakin principle I had while in 5th grade. Bwah? It's been, 11 years since I went there. Now, Its possible she was principle for a few years, then backed out, and came back, but that's a long time. Also, they now have to wear uniforms! Suck. The outside still looks the same and some of the teachers names are even a little familiar.
And as for my middle school, McNicol Middle, the only weird thing about that place now Is It's obviously sooooo much more better now then It was back then. It was the scariest thing in the world to be 1 of 3 white kids in that school(no, I'm not trying to be mean here, or exaggerate, It was the truth and It was just in a very bad part of town) But looking at some pictures It looks like there's a bit more diversity at the school now and surprisingly the walls aren't filled with graffiti and It looks very well kept.
They rebuilt It the last "year" I was there(we moved to a new town after about a month of my 7th grade). They made It a very nice 2 story huge white building, and I so expected It to be completely covered in spray paint before I had even left It. I'm very happy they got some teachers/principle in there that look like they actually giving a shit, that was a huge problem when me and my sister went there. If you showed up and didn't hop over the fence and get yourself killed, you passed. Now they actually teach!
So If you find yourself bored, go Google your old schools, Its rather interesting! Just thought I'd share :)
And oh, my puppies cut Is so much better after we performed some first aid on It :)
Lake Forest,
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Just called the realtor. The lease was sent via email and we'll be filling It out tonight! Her son just got sick, that's why It was late getting here. See, I knew It would be something like that that was holding It all up(...yeah, suuuure I did lol).
So I've begun again making piles of things we wont need for 2 weeks and we're going to go buy a lot of Rubbermaid tubs this weekend to pack with, cause that's just the most useful/easy thing to pack with really hehe. No playing tetris with your many different sized cardboard boxes and the tubs have like a hundred different uses afterwards.
So we are 1 step closer to a better life! Just knowing we will be in a better place(hopefully, I think I'll die inside If the house/neighbourhood we move into Is shitty, but thankfully It didn't seem so while we were there, but you just can't tell those types of things until you've been there a while).
We just finished patching up our doggie. I made my bf come home during lunch time so we can do some doggie first aid. Something riped a gash behind his head and apparently he was scratching at It at some point and made It really big and bloody. So we cut as much hair away as we could, rinsed It a while with warm water, put on some iodine(ouchies) and rinsed It some more and put on some antibacterial cream. He's such a tank, just once I wish he'd yelp or something so I know when somethings wrong but no, he never does.
Now before people start yelling at me to take him to the vet, It just an everyday cut really, when I say "riped It big and bloody" don't go thinking he's leaking blood everywhere and not walking straight lol. He's acting like his normal self and 9/10 injuries inside animals get can be taken care of at home and not a vet.
But of course, If we notice anything change In him we're going to take him.
He should feel privileged, he was the first one to have the first aid kit used on him! lol So I guess I'll keep you posted with all the boring details of moving and my doggies head. I should really go back to rummaging through our stuff. 2 weeks!!! Can't wait.
So I've begun again making piles of things we wont need for 2 weeks and we're going to go buy a lot of Rubbermaid tubs this weekend to pack with, cause that's just the most useful/easy thing to pack with really hehe. No playing tetris with your many different sized cardboard boxes and the tubs have like a hundred different uses afterwards.
So we are 1 step closer to a better life! Just knowing we will be in a better place(hopefully, I think I'll die inside If the house/neighbourhood we move into Is shitty, but thankfully It didn't seem so while we were there, but you just can't tell those types of things until you've been there a while).
We just finished patching up our doggie. I made my bf come home during lunch time so we can do some doggie first aid. Something riped a gash behind his head and apparently he was scratching at It at some point and made It really big and bloody. So we cut as much hair away as we could, rinsed It a while with warm water, put on some iodine(ouchies) and rinsed It some more and put on some antibacterial cream. He's such a tank, just once I wish he'd yelp or something so I know when somethings wrong but no, he never does.
Now before people start yelling at me to take him to the vet, It just an everyday cut really, when I say "riped It big and bloody" don't go thinking he's leaking blood everywhere and not walking straight lol. He's acting like his normal self and 9/10 injuries inside animals get can be taken care of at home and not a vet.
But of course, If we notice anything change In him we're going to take him.
He should feel privileged, he was the first one to have the first aid kit used on him! lol So I guess I'll keep you posted with all the boring details of moving and my doggies head. I should really go back to rummaging through our stuff. 2 weeks!!! Can't wait.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Sooo Yeah...
We got a house. Well, we should any ways. There was this house up for rent and we couldn't go see It until the weekend. And apparently there was some other lady who had just seen It and was really interested. The realtor was supost to give me a call back later Friday If she wanted It but she never did. So me being used to upsets figured she lost my number or wrote It down wrong and the house was taken.
But no! I called Saturday morning and she said the lady was still trying to decide so we drove on over to the place and was like almost immediatly(we were nice and let her do the whole realtor routine and talk and walk us through It lol) we just said yes how much do you want to hold It until next payday!
So, stupid us didn't even think to bring a check book ~sigh~ so we ended up having to go to her sons baseball game(which was actually fine because we met up with someone we know anyways to pass the time) So we handed her the holding money and our rent application and now we're just waiting for her to email us the lease agrement.
And that's where we are so far. And this Is where I'm getting a little nervous. She said she'd have It to us by Saturday night or Sunday morning at the latest, and It never came. Now I know she's busy and all and It most likely will come today but still, If you've read my past houseing posts, you'd see why I'm getting nervous, I just have no luck with this stuff.
I really hope nothing bad happened, we've already began making moving piles and planning out the house and telling everyone. I just don't think I could take having what I want so much taken away from me because of some stupid mistake.(I.E.-the lady who wanted It first actually said so first and paid already blah blah something like that I'm sure you get where I'm going)
So, I guess I'll keep you updated, I'm sure nothing wrong happened, I'm just getting stressed for no reason and the lease papers will come today. So, until then, I'm going to try to think happy knowing I finally get a house.(and knowing the douche bags upstairs are still going to be In apartments with someone living below them that wont take there shit Is a huge huge bonus)
But no! I called Saturday morning and she said the lady was still trying to decide so we drove on over to the place and was like almost immediatly(we were nice and let her do the whole realtor routine and talk and walk us through It lol) we just said yes how much do you want to hold It until next payday!
So, stupid us didn't even think to bring a check book ~sigh~ so we ended up having to go to her sons baseball game(which was actually fine because we met up with someone we know anyways to pass the time) So we handed her the holding money and our rent application and now we're just waiting for her to email us the lease agrement.
And that's where we are so far. And this Is where I'm getting a little nervous. She said she'd have It to us by Saturday night or Sunday morning at the latest, and It never came. Now I know she's busy and all and It most likely will come today but still, If you've read my past houseing posts, you'd see why I'm getting nervous, I just have no luck with this stuff.
I really hope nothing bad happened, we've already began making moving piles and planning out the house and telling everyone. I just don't think I could take having what I want so much taken away from me because of some stupid mistake.(I.E.-the lady who wanted It first actually said so first and paid already blah blah something like that I'm sure you get where I'm going)
So, I guess I'll keep you updated, I'm sure nothing wrong happened, I'm just getting stressed for no reason and the lease papers will come today. So, until then, I'm going to try to think happy knowing I finally get a house.(and knowing the douche bags upstairs are still going to be In apartments with someone living below them that wont take there shit Is a huge huge bonus)
Sunday, April 13, 2008
O.O ~blink blink~ O.O
I'm still in shock over the good/odd weekend I've had.
First of all, my Internet got terminated because OH NOES!!!!!11!!1 I was caught seeding a movie I downloaded! What was my punishment? Oh, call this number and say "Hey turn my shizznit back on biotch." Simple. Yeah, that's gonna stop me from seeding a movie again. And what movie was this? Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone. I just had to have a Harry Potter marathon like, a month ago. And they just caught me. LOL Never mind the fact I seeded It for only the length of the movie and I also downloaded the other 4 Harry Potter's and like 3 other movies In the same day. No No, they only cared about the that one. Strike 1, 2 more, I'm out. Which doesn't matter anymore for the simple fact of:
Eeeeeee! I still don't know how It happened. After calling every single house in the newspaper, only 1 fit what we could afford and whatnot. When I called to make the appointment for Saturday, she told me someone else was very interested in the place, and she was supposed to give a yes or no to them by Friday night. Well, apparently that lady was still thinking It over and when me and my boyfriend got there Saturday afternoon to go see the house, It took us all of 5 minutes to say we want It. For one thing, someone was outside listening to music, and the second we walked inside and closed the door, we couldn't hear It at all. In and empty house, we couldn't hear the outside world. And why was this? It's an actual house. It's made of brick and stuccoed over. So Its thick, and an actual house! Not this cardboard shit with paint over It people make nowadays.
I just still can't believe It. I'm so happy!! But I'll have to write more on this later, we are off to do our Sunday hiking. So, have a great day everyone!
First of all, my Internet got terminated because OH NOES!!!!!11!!1 I was caught seeding a movie I downloaded! What was my punishment? Oh, call this number and say "Hey turn my shizznit back on biotch." Simple. Yeah, that's gonna stop me from seeding a movie again. And what movie was this? Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone. I just had to have a Harry Potter marathon like, a month ago. And they just caught me. LOL Never mind the fact I seeded It for only the length of the movie and I also downloaded the other 4 Harry Potter's and like 3 other movies In the same day. No No, they only cared about the that one. Strike 1, 2 more, I'm out. Which doesn't matter anymore for the simple fact of:
Eeeeeee! I still don't know how It happened. After calling every single house in the newspaper, only 1 fit what we could afford and whatnot. When I called to make the appointment for Saturday, she told me someone else was very interested in the place, and she was supposed to give a yes or no to them by Friday night. Well, apparently that lady was still thinking It over and when me and my boyfriend got there Saturday afternoon to go see the house, It took us all of 5 minutes to say we want It. For one thing, someone was outside listening to music, and the second we walked inside and closed the door, we couldn't hear It at all. In and empty house, we couldn't hear the outside world. And why was this? It's an actual house. It's made of brick and stuccoed over. So Its thick, and an actual house! Not this cardboard shit with paint over It people make nowadays.
I just still can't believe It. I'm so happy!! But I'll have to write more on this later, we are off to do our Sunday hiking. So, have a great day everyone!
Friday, April 11, 2008
If you haven't seen this film and actually want to, I suggest you don't read this post.
So the dvdrip download of this movie came out recently and I was able to grab It and have It finish In record time. (about 30 minutes to my surprise) Well, there was a big deal about this movie and we were excited to finally get to see It. Both of us were thoroughly disappointed.
First, my boyfriend Is a survival nut, and I've got the pleasure of learning all about It as well just by being around him. So since the first "big bang" hit In the movie he Immediately started spouting off all the things they did wrong. And sadly, so did I, but only In my head. In all honesty, they should of died within the first 10 minutes of the attack. And don't even get my started on the ending when there helicopter was grabbed and thrown, and OMG AMAZING the 3 douches In the back seat, one who should have already been dead just by bleeding out, lived while the 2 army guys with body gear and helmets and training, died. Oh, and how 80/100 of the army's missiles and such missed(fyi, that just doesn't happen anymore with our technologies nowadays)
And talk about huge disappointment with the monster. I mean, It was better for me to think of It as one of those funny caption pictures of a reeealllyy fat and ugly girl destroying Manhattan.(I know, I know, that's mean, but trust me, It did make the movie better) And I just can't seem to find the picture I'm talking about but It'll pop up again one day I'm sure.
Oh, and while we're on the monster, how about those mini monsters that dropped off of him? They're like, a knock off of Starship Troopers amiright? To make up for that, they could of at least let us see that one chick explode after she got bit, Instead of hiding It. ~sigh~
I'm not sure If the movie was ruined for me for the simple fact of they should have died within that first 10 minutes of the attack, but lucky for them, movie magic happened. I really don't feel like going through all the hundreds of times that they wouldn't have lived being as I just can't remember most of them, after seeing that end helicopter scene I was just, awed at the amount of...God I can't even think of the word! If you've seen It, you have to agree, you just have to. Oh, and just another fyi, the military pilots would of NEVER flown that helicopter In the same direction of the many missiles and monster, never...
So, ok, I do like the fact that It was an original idea(the dude "documenting" the whole thing(I don't see Blair Witch Project as something to ever be mentioned In the movie world so don't think about It lol) By doing that It did make It a watchable movie. It just wouldn't be as talked about as It was If It was made the regular movie way. I just wish they would of at least looked up some survivalist things on the Internets. It was just obvious the writer didn't do a lick of research on anything they put Into the movie, and It could of been more...realisitic?...If they did.
That's my 2 cents, like It or not :)
If you haven't seen this film and actually want to, I suggest you don't read this post.
So the dvdrip download of this movie came out recently and I was able to grab It and have It finish In record time. (about 30 minutes to my surprise) Well, there was a big deal about this movie and we were excited to finally get to see It. Both of us were thoroughly disappointed.
First, my boyfriend Is a survival nut, and I've got the pleasure of learning all about It as well just by being around him. So since the first "big bang" hit In the movie he Immediately started spouting off all the things they did wrong. And sadly, so did I, but only In my head. In all honesty, they should of died within the first 10 minutes of the attack. And don't even get my started on the ending when there helicopter was grabbed and thrown, and OMG AMAZING the 3 douches In the back seat, one who should have already been dead just by bleeding out, lived while the 2 army guys with body gear and helmets and training, died. Oh, and how 80/100 of the army's missiles and such missed(fyi, that just doesn't happen anymore with our technologies nowadays)
And talk about huge disappointment with the monster. I mean, It was better for me to think of It as one of those funny caption pictures of a reeealllyy fat and ugly girl destroying Manhattan.(I know, I know, that's mean, but trust me, It did make the movie better) And I just can't seem to find the picture I'm talking about but It'll pop up again one day I'm sure.
Oh, and while we're on the monster, how about those mini monsters that dropped off of him? They're like, a knock off of Starship Troopers amiright? To make up for that, they could of at least let us see that one chick explode after she got bit, Instead of hiding It. ~sigh~
I'm not sure If the movie was ruined for me for the simple fact of they should have died within that first 10 minutes of the attack, but lucky for them, movie magic happened. I really don't feel like going through all the hundreds of times that they wouldn't have lived being as I just can't remember most of them, after seeing that end helicopter scene I was just, awed at the amount of...God I can't even think of the word! If you've seen It, you have to agree, you just have to. Oh, and just another fyi, the military pilots would of NEVER flown that helicopter In the same direction of the many missiles and monster, never...
So, ok, I do like the fact that It was an original idea(the dude "documenting" the whole thing(I don't see Blair Witch Project as something to ever be mentioned In the movie world so don't think about It lol) By doing that It did make It a watchable movie. It just wouldn't be as talked about as It was If It was made the regular movie way. I just wish they would of at least looked up some survivalist things on the Internets. It was just obvious the writer didn't do a lick of research on anything they put Into the movie, and It could of been more...realisitic?...If they did.
That's my 2 cents, like It or not :)
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Lip Gloss

I've been addicted to chap sticks, lip glosses, lip sticks, you name It, since I was a little girl. I've pretty much screwed myself over big time because my lips have stopped moisturising themselves long long ago. I've tried just about everything under the sun and after seeing an add for these Wet Slicks Fruit Spritzers from CoverGirl, I figured "eh, sure, why not"
I looked at about a hundred reviews for the product out of boredom and everyone who tried It, loves It. So, obviously, It was my turn to try it.
I've been using It for about 4 days now and so far, I'm thoroughly pleased. True, It Is slightly sticky, but as long as you don't put gobs of It on, you won't even notice. And a lot of the reviews I read said It doesn't last long and you have to apply It a lot. Well...I call bullshit. Like I said, my lips hate me for the torture I'm always putting them through, and I don't have to reapply It unless I eat/drink and even then I don't always have to, I'm just used to doing It.
I'm not sure about the other flavors, but I just picked up the Lemon Splash one, and it certainly does smell and taste like It's name.
One thing I've found to be very helpful, no matter what you're using on your lips, Is to get out of the habit of pressing them together. That helps a lot with keeping It on your lips and not having to reapply or having It start to look and feel funny.(I have to admit though, I'm still trying to kick that habit myself and It's hard!)
So, yeah this Is my girlie post for the next few days lol. If you are looking for a new kind of lip gloss, I highly suggest this one. It's about...$5-6 dollars at my grocery store.
Cover Girl,
Fruit Spritzers,
Lemon Splash,
Lip gloss,
Wet Slicks
Monday, April 7, 2008
We went hiking Saturday around a big lake over on the Army Base. I got a really bad sunburn on my shoulders :( I've only been burned twice my entire life and both times I was near water, even though I was born and raised around beaches and lakes and never burned when I was younger. So yeah, I'm In a lot of pain and shock hehe. but I learned my lesson, I just can't go without suntan lotion anymore :(
We also took our fat pug A.K.A : Adventure Dog! He may be fat and lazy, but when we take him for our little hikes, he loves it. He loves It so much he didn't once hint to the fact that he scraped up his puppy peds pretty badly :( Towards the last 20-30 minutes he did slow down a great bit but we figured It was because he's fat and lazy lol. But he's a trooper, he loved going down to the water and splashing around and laying down In It ><. And not even 3 days later and his feeties are already doing fine. He still doesn't like to walk on the rocks, and being Its Arizona, thats pretty much all we have here :( So I do have some puppy pads down on the back porch for him to use cause we just feel horrible about his feet getting cut up :(
And yet again, our house searching Is put on hold, my bf's work Is putting all the programers through a class for the next week anda half. So he wont be able to leave early or come on his lunch break or take the whole day off to go look at some places. I'm pissed cause there Is 2 places In the newspaper that sound exactly like what we're looking for, and I have to wait untill the weekend to go look at It, and with my luck, It will no longer be available.
Ok, that's It for now, gotta go start the Monday morning chores. Have a great morning!
We also took our fat pug A.K.A : Adventure Dog! He may be fat and lazy, but when we take him for our little hikes, he loves it. He loves It so much he didn't once hint to the fact that he scraped up his puppy peds pretty badly :( Towards the last 20-30 minutes he did slow down a great bit but we figured It was because he's fat and lazy lol. But he's a trooper, he loved going down to the water and splashing around and laying down In It ><. And not even 3 days later and his feeties are already doing fine. He still doesn't like to walk on the rocks, and being Its Arizona, thats pretty much all we have here :( So I do have some puppy pads down on the back porch for him to use cause we just feel horrible about his feet getting cut up :(
And yet again, our house searching Is put on hold, my bf's work Is putting all the programers through a class for the next week anda half. So he wont be able to leave early or come on his lunch break or take the whole day off to go look at some places. I'm pissed cause there Is 2 places In the newspaper that sound exactly like what we're looking for, and I have to wait untill the weekend to go look at It, and with my luck, It will no longer be available.
Ok, that's It for now, gotta go start the Monday morning chores. Have a great morning!
Friday, April 4, 2008
It's day 3 now where I just don't feel like doing a damn thing. I think the stress just caught up to me and exploded In my brain.
Getting a house, whether It's renting or owning, In this town Is just, Impossible. Not unless you want to pay out the ass and have your neighbour an Inch away from you. Might as well just stay In the cheaper and easier to maintain apartments. So, sadly, for now we are just going to move Into a smaller apartment In the same complex. I already warned my bf, If our neighbours are just as bad as the ones we have now, I'm going to have to go back to Alabama to have a nice long vacation at my parents farm.(Yes I'm a spoiled country girl which Is why I can not deal with listening to people and their noise.)
This upcoming election will actually determine where we will be living for a while. If the new president pulls the troops out of Iraq, my bf no longer has a job with this company. And If the troops are out, they no longer need him to program for the Army, so there Is absolutely no reason to stay In this town. But then he gets to go through Hell looking for another job that pays just as much or more.
But yeah, there was only 3 houses that fit what we needed, well we thought so any ways. When I called to get Information on them, I was told that the one I really really liked, didn't except animals :( Then the other one, I couldn't get anyone to admit to being In charge of showing It. They kept transferring me from person to person and I eventually got Into a loop so Its just like....screw this. And the last one, It's just to far away really :(
Weird how only, well 2 places now, were what we are looking for In this whole town. How every other house here Is built within inches of the other so It's not worth It at all to leave an apartment. Also, how every apartment office and realtor is CLOSED on the weekends. I mean, come on. Are you serious? How they stay In buisness, I'll never know.
Well, I think thats enough rambling for now. These all natural things still arn't really showing any signs of working, but I hope I'm not the lazy bum this upcoming week again like I was this week. I'm off to go enjoy my noisey weekend, Take care everyone, I'll come visit blogs prolly Monday.
P.S.-I have no clue If I'm repeating myself on some of these subjects. So sorry In advance I guess ><
Getting a house, whether It's renting or owning, In this town Is just, Impossible. Not unless you want to pay out the ass and have your neighbour an Inch away from you. Might as well just stay In the cheaper and easier to maintain apartments. So, sadly, for now we are just going to move Into a smaller apartment In the same complex. I already warned my bf, If our neighbours are just as bad as the ones we have now, I'm going to have to go back to Alabama to have a nice long vacation at my parents farm.(Yes I'm a spoiled country girl which Is why I can not deal with listening to people and their noise.)
This upcoming election will actually determine where we will be living for a while. If the new president pulls the troops out of Iraq, my bf no longer has a job with this company. And If the troops are out, they no longer need him to program for the Army, so there Is absolutely no reason to stay In this town. But then he gets to go through Hell looking for another job that pays just as much or more.
But yeah, there was only 3 houses that fit what we needed, well we thought so any ways. When I called to get Information on them, I was told that the one I really really liked, didn't except animals :( Then the other one, I couldn't get anyone to admit to being In charge of showing It. They kept transferring me from person to person and I eventually got Into a loop so Its just like....screw this. And the last one, It's just to far away really :(
Weird how only, well 2 places now, were what we are looking for In this whole town. How every other house here Is built within inches of the other so It's not worth It at all to leave an apartment. Also, how every apartment office and realtor is CLOSED on the weekends. I mean, come on. Are you serious? How they stay In buisness, I'll never know.
Well, I think thats enough rambling for now. These all natural things still arn't really showing any signs of working, but I hope I'm not the lazy bum this upcoming week again like I was this week. I'm off to go enjoy my noisey weekend, Take care everyone, I'll come visit blogs prolly Monday.
P.S.-I have no clue If I'm repeating myself on some of these subjects. So sorry In advance I guess ><
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Go Youtube!
So today is April Fools day, and If you havn't heard or gone to Youtube yet today...GO! They Rick-Rolled the world. All their featured videos are rickrolls from people who work at Youtube, It's just about the greatest April Fools prank I've ever seen.
I've been feeling crappy and not wanting to do much for the past few days so I'm having a Johnny Depp marathon lol. All movies he has made I've been watching(besides "Blow" cause I just didn't like it ><)
I also came across this band that happened to pop up on my Pandora list. They're called "Jakalope" I think they came out In 2004? LOL only took me 4 years to discover them. They're pretty good, so check them out If you want. A download Is available right now over on, not sure for how long she can keep It up though so hurry! She was nice enough to fill In my request for them so If Its down request It again on the forums and maybe she can put It back up again.
Ummm the whole house finding just Isn't going anywhere right now. We still got some time but I don't wanna wait last minute and he KNOWS I can't do It on my own.
I started taking St. Johns Wort and some Holy Basil this past weekend because I suffer from depression/anxiety(who doesn't now a days) and I have some major anger problems. I'm afraid to take a prescription pill for It because you're pretty much extremely suicidal the first 2 weeks you're on them. So I figured If I can control It even just a little bit through some all natural things, I'll do It. It's only been a few days like I said so I don't really notice a change :( I'm In hopes I won't have to go see a doctor and these will work.
Ok, I'm off to go browse some blogs, take care!
I've been feeling crappy and not wanting to do much for the past few days so I'm having a Johnny Depp marathon lol. All movies he has made I've been watching(besides "Blow" cause I just didn't like it ><)
I also came across this band that happened to pop up on my Pandora list. They're called "Jakalope" I think they came out In 2004? LOL only took me 4 years to discover them. They're pretty good, so check them out If you want. A download Is available right now over on, not sure for how long she can keep It up though so hurry! She was nice enough to fill In my request for them so If Its down request It again on the forums and maybe she can put It back up again.
Ummm the whole house finding just Isn't going anywhere right now. We still got some time but I don't wanna wait last minute and he KNOWS I can't do It on my own.
I started taking St. Johns Wort and some Holy Basil this past weekend because I suffer from depression/anxiety(who doesn't now a days) and I have some major anger problems. I'm afraid to take a prescription pill for It because you're pretty much extremely suicidal the first 2 weeks you're on them. So I figured If I can control It even just a little bit through some all natural things, I'll do It. It's only been a few days like I said so I don't really notice a change :( I'm In hopes I won't have to go see a doctor and these will work.
Ok, I'm off to go browse some blogs, take care!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Seriously...why bother?
So, my sister had a baby right after this past Thanksgiving. The only reason I've been able to see It since Its been born, Is because my parents came to town to come visit, as parents tend to do when they have a new grandchild.
The months leading up to her baby being born, and the months that have followed, I have kept trying to make plans with her. She always seems like, happy to do something with me and everyday leading up until "The Big Day" that we get to spend time with each other we keep going through all these different things we can do. And EVERY time, either the night before or the same day It's always "Oh I don't feel so good I think we have to reschedule" or "The baby doesn't feel good" or, my personal favorite, "We have to go to a baby shower today, I totally forgot until now"
This, right here, Is no joke. Every other weekend, If even that long In between, they have a baby shower to go to on her boyfriends family's side. Gee, no wonder she got pregnant, they must of not had a baby shower for that weekend!
Well, this past weekend me and my bf drove the 2 hours to Tucson to do some errands, and we were going to hang out with her and her baby and bf. They were excited about using us as an excuse to leave the baby shower early. So 30 minutes before we were set to meet each other, I call her to see If they're home yet, and she tells me "We can't leave, everyone got here late, we promise In a week or two we'll go down to your place."
Now I know this post will be a bit long, so by all means, you don't have to finish, I just really need to get this off my chest.
So at this point, im extremely pissed off. We had planned this for 2 weeks. We had canceled plans to do something with an In-town friend right before I called my sister. So we then got to call them back and make me look like a total douche for having a shitty sister. So needless to say, I didn't have the greatest of attitudes the whole time we hung out with them, which I apologize to them, but I'm sure they understand.
It's not like I live states away from her, It Is only a 2 hour drive If even, but that's far beyond the point. We always got along amazingly well for siblings. She's 4 years older then me but growing up we looked alot alike and always got mistaken for twins. After I graudated, I moved In with her and her then husband. Then when she left him, me and her moved Into an apartment together for about a year. It was really really fun, to bad she always had the boy she cheated on her husband with over there constantly.(Which Is why I left, his family has no problem giving him a free ride but I sure as hell am not)
So pretty much ever since I moved out, she keeps blowing us off last minute. I think of the hundreds of times we made plans, they only followed through on maybe 10 of them?
I'm not sure whats going on In her head, or whats going on In her home, or what she's trying to hide. But If this continues me and my bf are going to make It a point to randomly drive over there and stop by unexpectidly. It could very well be coincidence, but I'm tired of these "coincidences" happening last minute all the time.
The months leading up to her baby being born, and the months that have followed, I have kept trying to make plans with her. She always seems like, happy to do something with me and everyday leading up until "The Big Day" that we get to spend time with each other we keep going through all these different things we can do. And EVERY time, either the night before or the same day It's always "Oh I don't feel so good I think we have to reschedule" or "The baby doesn't feel good" or, my personal favorite, "We have to go to a baby shower today, I totally forgot until now"
This, right here, Is no joke. Every other weekend, If even that long In between, they have a baby shower to go to on her boyfriends family's side. Gee, no wonder she got pregnant, they must of not had a baby shower for that weekend!
Well, this past weekend me and my bf drove the 2 hours to Tucson to do some errands, and we were going to hang out with her and her baby and bf. They were excited about using us as an excuse to leave the baby shower early. So 30 minutes before we were set to meet each other, I call her to see If they're home yet, and she tells me "We can't leave, everyone got here late, we promise In a week or two we'll go down to your place."
Now I know this post will be a bit long, so by all means, you don't have to finish, I just really need to get this off my chest.
So at this point, im extremely pissed off. We had planned this for 2 weeks. We had canceled plans to do something with an In-town friend right before I called my sister. So we then got to call them back and make me look like a total douche for having a shitty sister. So needless to say, I didn't have the greatest of attitudes the whole time we hung out with them, which I apologize to them, but I'm sure they understand.
It's not like I live states away from her, It Is only a 2 hour drive If even, but that's far beyond the point. We always got along amazingly well for siblings. She's 4 years older then me but growing up we looked alot alike and always got mistaken for twins. After I graudated, I moved In with her and her then husband. Then when she left him, me and her moved Into an apartment together for about a year. It was really really fun, to bad she always had the boy she cheated on her husband with over there constantly.(Which Is why I left, his family has no problem giving him a free ride but I sure as hell am not)
So pretty much ever since I moved out, she keeps blowing us off last minute. I think of the hundreds of times we made plans, they only followed through on maybe 10 of them?
I'm not sure whats going on In her head, or whats going on In her home, or what she's trying to hide. But If this continues me and my bf are going to make It a point to randomly drive over there and stop by unexpectidly. It could very well be coincidence, but I'm tired of these "coincidences" happening last minute all the time.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
New Router!
So we finally got a new router on Friday(but It still took us the whole weekend to get It to work with my laptop ~sigh~) So no more getting kicked offline every 2 minutes or less!...literally...we were getting kicked offline that much : /
Soooo now I get to go around and actually make comments on peoples blogs that left comments on mine again and find some new people out there.
It was horrible, I couldn't even stay online long enough to write a simple comment. So glad that's over with!
And now that I've used the word "so" about 20 times already, I think I'll go and browse the web again! Ahhh how I missed it so.
Maybe I can now stay more active and talkative on these sites, lucky for you guys Mwahahaaaa...... O.o
Soooo now I get to go around and actually make comments on peoples blogs that left comments on mine again and find some new people out there.
It was horrible, I couldn't even stay online long enough to write a simple comment. So glad that's over with!
And now that I've used the word "so" about 20 times already, I think I'll go and browse the web again! Ahhh how I missed it so.
Maybe I can now stay more active and talkative on these sites, lucky for you guys Mwahahaaaa...... O.o
Thursday, March 27, 2008
I Hate Realtors
Realtors suck. I've been calling then all week trying to get information on houses and they treat me like some stupid idiot. For one thing, It's always guys answering the phone, and they hear that It's a female on the phone, and not only am I female, but I sound young. So, not only were they gonna treat me like I'm an idiot cause I'm female, but now slap on the fact that they think I'm like..16.
I keep telling my bf he needs to be the one to call and make appointments, but he refuses. He thinks I should be the one doing all the work since I want a house so bad. I'm not saying these guys do It on purpose, (or maybe they do, how should I know) but just knowing It's a "young girl" their talking to, they just dumb It down so much I can't figure out what their talking about!(Now I'm not the brightest person in the world, I had shitty education, so dumbing It down Isn't always bad but damn it people, stop baby talking and asking for my daddy)
I know I sound young on the phone, I'm well aware of It, but If I was able to do a proper search and ask proper questions about a listing you have, and I was actually able to reach the damn phone and call you, I expect you to think maybe, just maybe...I'm capable of understanding your normal talk.
So yeah...I'm obviously not having any luck getting a house through the phones, so I decided to try the email addresses they leave everywhere asking you to email them for further information.
That works less then the phone. I'm still waiting to hear back from them on my first email from about 2 weeks ago.
I'm starting to call normal peoples numbers in the newspaper, and there far more helpful, but most of them say I have to call the agency to take me there because they're either nowhere near the house, or they're paying the agency so they wanna make them work for there money. So It still ends up with us not being able to get into the damn house. But at least they answer my questions.
If anyone out there has like, a magic wand they can wave around and make Real estate agency's actually do there freakin jobs, please please please, wave It around. We NEED to get out of apartments. We need some help here ~sigh~
I keep telling my bf he needs to be the one to call and make appointments, but he refuses. He thinks I should be the one doing all the work since I want a house so bad. I'm not saying these guys do It on purpose, (or maybe they do, how should I know) but just knowing It's a "young girl" their talking to, they just dumb It down so much I can't figure out what their talking about!(Now I'm not the brightest person in the world, I had shitty education, so dumbing It down Isn't always bad but damn it people, stop baby talking and asking for my daddy)
I know I sound young on the phone, I'm well aware of It, but If I was able to do a proper search and ask proper questions about a listing you have, and I was actually able to reach the damn phone and call you, I expect you to think maybe, just maybe...I'm capable of understanding your normal talk.
So yeah...I'm obviously not having any luck getting a house through the phones, so I decided to try the email addresses they leave everywhere asking you to email them for further information.
That works less then the phone. I'm still waiting to hear back from them on my first email from about 2 weeks ago.
I'm starting to call normal peoples numbers in the newspaper, and there far more helpful, but most of them say I have to call the agency to take me there because they're either nowhere near the house, or they're paying the agency so they wanna make them work for there money. So It still ends up with us not being able to get into the damn house. But at least they answer my questions.
If anyone out there has like, a magic wand they can wave around and make Real estate agency's actually do there freakin jobs, please please please, wave It around. We NEED to get out of apartments. We need some help here ~sigh~
Monday, March 24, 2008
Hooray for the quiet ones?
So, this past Friday, i wasn't feeling so good. And as always, the people above us just don't give a shit.
My boyfriend went to a friends house, and I was left alone to deal with the ignorant fools upstairs by myself, but being as I already wasn't feeling good, I just didn't want to : /
So when there music/tv/movie WHATEVER the hell it was started shaking my apartment, I just full out retaliated. Which of course, being as they are trying to act like there our age, they retaliated back.
I kept it on for about 10 minutes then the feeling of "HaHa Bitches!" left and I started feeling like I was gonna puke again, so I turned it off and locked myself in the bedroom.
I finally just couldn't take it anymore, so I called my bf home, who immediately went up and talked to the people upstairs for me.
They acted all dumb and innocent and turned it all off..for the rest of the night any ways. And then started to talk major shit about us, apparently they were upset that someone younger then them was the bigger man here? Apparently they think only music transfers through these walls, cause boy were they having fun up there talking crap about us.
Next morning, bright and early as usual, the noise started back up again. But we were the good little neighbours and kept quiet allllll weekend, and are continuing to do so.(Lucky for them I'm not allowed to retaliate anymore..I had just downloaded a bunch of good loud music).
My bf is putting in a complaint to the office today, being as they just cant get it through there heads that there gonna freakin hear noise from downstairs, just like were gonna hear them. But just cause they hear us, especially when there already blasting there TV, doesn't give them the right to turn there crap up and get bent outa shape.
It's just gone to far now.
So yeah, were no longer making a single freakin sound down here, and guess what? We have a nice little law over here about noise. If for any reason they are loud, even if only us can hear it, we can take them to small claims court and they will either get fined 2,600 or sent to jail for 6 months. I'm not sure if this law is for everywhere or just our town, but damn...I'm glad we have it. Finally, us people who are not idiots and think the world evolves around us, can find justice with a simple law of "KEEP THE FUCK QUIET"
~Sigh~ I can't wait to move into a house with some land, It's gonna be the best day of my life.
My boyfriend went to a friends house, and I was left alone to deal with the ignorant fools upstairs by myself, but being as I already wasn't feeling good, I just didn't want to : /
So when there music/tv/movie WHATEVER the hell it was started shaking my apartment, I just full out retaliated. Which of course, being as they are trying to act like there our age, they retaliated back.
I kept it on for about 10 minutes then the feeling of "HaHa Bitches!" left and I started feeling like I was gonna puke again, so I turned it off and locked myself in the bedroom.
I finally just couldn't take it anymore, so I called my bf home, who immediately went up and talked to the people upstairs for me.
They acted all dumb and innocent and turned it all off..for the rest of the night any ways. And then started to talk major shit about us, apparently they were upset that someone younger then them was the bigger man here? Apparently they think only music transfers through these walls, cause boy were they having fun up there talking crap about us.
Next morning, bright and early as usual, the noise started back up again. But we were the good little neighbours and kept quiet allllll weekend, and are continuing to do so.(Lucky for them I'm not allowed to retaliate anymore..I had just downloaded a bunch of good loud music).
My bf is putting in a complaint to the office today, being as they just cant get it through there heads that there gonna freakin hear noise from downstairs, just like were gonna hear them. But just cause they hear us, especially when there already blasting there TV, doesn't give them the right to turn there crap up and get bent outa shape.
It's just gone to far now.
So yeah, were no longer making a single freakin sound down here, and guess what? We have a nice little law over here about noise. If for any reason they are loud, even if only us can hear it, we can take them to small claims court and they will either get fined 2,600 or sent to jail for 6 months. I'm not sure if this law is for everywhere or just our town, but damn...I'm glad we have it. Finally, us people who are not idiots and think the world evolves around us, can find justice with a simple law of "KEEP THE FUCK QUIET"
~Sigh~ I can't wait to move into a house with some land, It's gonna be the best day of my life.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Busy, Busy, Busy
As the title suggests...I've been busy! I'm just tyring to figure out what I want to do.I'm still not sure what direction I want this blog to go into. I thought I did when I made it but now, I unno.
My boyfriend showed me this thing from the survivalist forum he's apart of. Its paracord(some strong tiny cord that supposedly holds like 550 lbs, but like I'm gonna go test that) bracelets and lanyards and all kinds of things. It's actually kinda fun, and easy too once you figure out how to do some macramé knots, you can make whatever you want out of it really. I've only made a couple bracelets, maybe when I get awesome at It I'll show some pics hehe.
Also, my sister and her bf and baby are moving today, and next Friday my brother and his family are moving. So I've been on and off through emails/phones seeing how things are going with all of that.
I finally got my own bf to see that we are DONE with apartments. Our lease is up in May and we're gonna go look at some houses with some small land for rent, anywhere between 1-5 acres. There's a really nice one up right now but It's to far away from May, The chances It will still be available ~sigh~ allwell, hopefully something better will pop up by then.
I had to have a long talk with him about me not getting what I want out of life and this relationship, and he got worried I was going to leave him so he agreed to go look at houses. Not really the way I wanted to get something, but I finally got through to him. I didn't threaten to leave, mind you, I guess he just saw how upset I was over this whole thing.
So, ok, being as its Friday I wont get to posting until Monday. So have a great weekend everybody, and give us some early luck with finding a house by May!! ~crosses fingers~
My boyfriend showed me this thing from the survivalist forum he's apart of. Its paracord(some strong tiny cord that supposedly holds like 550 lbs, but like I'm gonna go test that) bracelets and lanyards and all kinds of things. It's actually kinda fun, and easy too once you figure out how to do some macramé knots, you can make whatever you want out of it really. I've only made a couple bracelets, maybe when I get awesome at It I'll show some pics hehe.
Also, my sister and her bf and baby are moving today, and next Friday my brother and his family are moving. So I've been on and off through emails/phones seeing how things are going with all of that.
I finally got my own bf to see that we are DONE with apartments. Our lease is up in May and we're gonna go look at some houses with some small land for rent, anywhere between 1-5 acres. There's a really nice one up right now but It's to far away from May, The chances It will still be available ~sigh~ allwell, hopefully something better will pop up by then.
I had to have a long talk with him about me not getting what I want out of life and this relationship, and he got worried I was going to leave him so he agreed to go look at houses. Not really the way I wanted to get something, but I finally got through to him. I didn't threaten to leave, mind you, I guess he just saw how upset I was over this whole thing.
So, ok, being as its Friday I wont get to posting until Monday. So have a great weekend everybody, and give us some early luck with finding a house by May!! ~crosses fingers~
Monday, March 17, 2008
Some poems up
I posted 3 poems that i happened to have at so i was able to get a few up. They are from my high school days kinda emoish lol. It was like...4 and over years ago. My favorite one is "The Flower". The other 2 i just figured I'd put up anyways, what can it hurt hehe. Let me know what you think.
The Flower
Here sits a flower
5 petals to it
The death of the son is heard
A petal falls down
With a faint crying sound
Leaving just 4
The death of the father
Soon comes to ear
Every one's left to mourn
Another petal falls down
Leaving 3 in a round
Hoping tomorrow it will be cured
The death of the sister soon draws near
As the mother is left alone
2 petals left and nothing seems right
As the mother soon becomes ill
The mothers time comes but not before her son
Has just enough time to be born
There's just 1 more petal
But look out your window
And they'll be a while field of flowers
5 petals to it
The death of the son is heard
A petal falls down
With a faint crying sound
Leaving just 4
The death of the father
Soon comes to ear
Every one's left to mourn
Another petal falls down
Leaving 3 in a round
Hoping tomorrow it will be cured
The death of the sister soon draws near
As the mother is left alone
2 petals left and nothing seems right
As the mother soon becomes ill
The mothers time comes but not before her son
Has just enough time to be born
There's just 1 more petal
But look out your window
And they'll be a while field of flowers
Goddess of thunder
bring the mist, raise hell, throw your fit
The Goddess of laughter
Is roaring with amazement
Verified your madness, with your lack of conduct
God of unyielding
God of unkempt
Bring your untouched sorcery
Preserve your greatness
The Goddess of perception is observing
But the Lolita of precise elegance
Is all she's surveying
bring the mist, raise hell, throw your fit
The Goddess of laughter
Is roaring with amazement
Verified your madness, with your lack of conduct
God of unyielding
God of unkempt
Bring your untouched sorcery
Preserve your greatness
The Goddess of perception is observing
But the Lolita of precise elegance
Is all she's surveying
Forgotten Days
The storms dieing slowly
But the rains still falling
The winds playing a sweet tune
It sounds like my name its calling
I want to go
But I know I should stay
It's getting closer and closer
The call of Belial each day
It's pulling me
It's beckoning me
The rains here to take me
Away from this world
Away from this pain
To take me back
To forgotten days
But the rains still falling
The winds playing a sweet tune
It sounds like my name its calling
I want to go
But I know I should stay
It's getting closer and closer
The call of Belial each day
It's pulling me
It's beckoning me
The rains here to take me
Away from this world
Away from this pain
To take me back
To forgotten days
Friday, March 14, 2008
YAH for Friday!!
Well, its Friday, and that means i wont be doing much of anything on or for my blog. The Weekend is the only time i have to do errands and the like. I love right now sitting in the middle of my living room while i have "Hant" from Slagsmalsklubben playing. Full base...yeah F you old lady and your tv on full volumn, L2base. They serisouly try to outdo us by turning on a shitty ass radio...thats it...just a normal clock radio...~boggle~
I think we're going into Tucson tommorow for our D&D thingie(hey, dont laugh, its fun with the right group of people) And we might go hiking on Sunday, but not sure yet. Hopefully, i need to get outa this apartment hehe.
One things for sure, if not this weekend, this week at least, im gonna try to get some writings put up. So, everyone have a safe and fun weekend! Maybe ill have something thats actually exciting to post on Monday!
I think we're going into Tucson tommorow for our D&D thingie(hey, dont laugh, its fun with the right group of people) And we might go hiking on Sunday, but not sure yet. Hopefully, i need to get outa this apartment hehe.
One things for sure, if not this weekend, this week at least, im gonna try to get some writings put up. So, everyone have a safe and fun weekend! Maybe ill have something thats actually exciting to post on Monday!
Dumbest Invention I Own

First i should say, we dont have a pet store in our town. If you cant find what your looking for at Wal-mart or Target, drive 2 hours to Tucson to look for it.
With that said, we needed a new harness for our dog, the one in the picture, was the only one in the whole freakin town. So were like, ok fine, well take it.
So we go home and put it on our dog and take him out. Whats wrong with this harness? Well, incase the makers of it didnt notice, dogs like to sniff, a lot. The only thing my dog could smell was the leash that kept hitting his face. It attaches to the front middle of the chest. (Anti pull my ass...he wouldnt stop pulling trying to get away from the leash attaking his face) So everytime he went to smell the ground to pee, he'd freak out and if by chance he happened to get his face around it, he would just spin around in a circle, like some dogs tend to do when trying to find the right spot, and get it wrapped around his head.
We were determined to make this thing work, afterall we did spend 30 freakin bucks on it. And what other choice did we have? After messing around with it for a bit, we decided to turn it upsidedown, to where the leash attacher was on his upper back, not chest area. Its working really well in that direction.
I guess i should also mention that i have a pug, so maybe this setup would work on a real dog, but for all of those people with big fat pugs...take the 2 hour drive to Tucson, unless you feel like being entertained by a very confused doggie.
A Little Background
I guess i should give a little background, maybe it'll help kick my creativity back in...
So lets see, it might get a bit boring but i'll keep it short :)
Well, i was born in Hollywood, Florida and dont really remember much about it. To many bad memories from that place. Our dad left us when i was 4, but we found out by having to go to our aunts house in Alabama, and when we came home...well lets just say we already had a new daddy. My older brother(im the youngest of 3, our brohter being the oldest) wasnt happy about this news and left pretty shortly after this man moved in. So thats 2 family members i never heard or seen again at a young age.
We stayed in that horrible town untill i was about 11, and we moved to a place called Lecanto(its in central FL, about an hour from Ocala) I spent most of my school days in the corner of the classroom doing nothing but writing poems and books. I was working on a really good one called Mirror, Mirror, Tell it All, but then later realized, its a little to much like the Freddy movies ~sigh~ allwell, im in the process of changing it around a bit. Or maybe ill just say "screw it" and let it stay how it is.
So yeah, enter High School. Yippie. I continued to stay in the corner and write my stories and poems. And, as expected, i fail the 9th grade because of it lol. So here i am, a second year 9th grader. And what happens next? Well, i didnt refail the grade, i just refailed english.(I somehow managed to pass math the second time) So i had to go to a night class to make that up. Which i only went twice and finished all my work and passed O.O
So the 11th grade and 12th grade were more better, besides continuing to fail math a few more times cause it just doesnt make sence ><
Right after i graduated, i sorta followed in my sisters footsteps...moving the hell outa that small hick town. She had met someone online and immediatly after graduation, moved in with him. Then after about a year together, they moved to Arizona. So...after i graduated i went to go visit them, and met the love of my life. Knowing i didnt wanna go back to Lecanto, i did the scariest thing to date...i told my mom i was moving to Tucson.
That whole...summer was not fun but let me tell you, it was well worth it. Im still with that bf, and even though we have completely differnt views and goals on certain things, im still happy. Its more better now between us that i dont work. My first job here was at a TJ Maxx..i made 5.15 an hour..i had to walk home by myself at 11:30pm every night. So of course, i ended up quiting, but i did put a year of my time there :)
It took me a while to find a new job, but i found a really good on, at a Brueggars Bagels. My boss was awesome, and she wouldnt let me call in sick or come in late or go home early(which is exactly what i needed, a strict boss, it helped so much) She was my age and she made it fun, becasue we both seriously hated our jobs lol. By the time i left there, i was makin 7.50 an hour. It took me 2 years to get that far, and a LOT of my time...and when i found out people who were just hired and didnt do a damn thing were getting paid the same as me, i just stoped going. Screw them.
Now brings me to my last and funniest job ever, i worked at a local Video Mart. Our main source of money? The Porn section. I just coulndt work again after working there for the month(I got laid off, there prices were to damn cheap to stay open, 2 bucks for a porno and 1 buck for a real movie, i mean comeon...)but yeah, i truely hate the older male population, im sorry, but that bunch is just...disgusting. I mean wipe your freakin hands clean before you touch another video! I kept latex gloves on the whole time i was in that place.
Wow so much for keeping this short huh. Well, almost bf got a job working for the military right after he graduated, and we moved to a place called Sierra Vista, AZ. Its really nice here, and small, the type of town im used to. If we were to have a house and some land, i wouldnt mind staying here forever. Naaaahhh who am i kidding, i hate Arizona lol. We hope to land in alabama near my parents soon(cause i wanna!) or in Alaska, cause its to pretty over there and the land is cheap. Time will tell!
So lets see, it might get a bit boring but i'll keep it short :)
Well, i was born in Hollywood, Florida and dont really remember much about it. To many bad memories from that place. Our dad left us when i was 4, but we found out by having to go to our aunts house in Alabama, and when we came home...well lets just say we already had a new daddy. My older brother(im the youngest of 3, our brohter being the oldest) wasnt happy about this news and left pretty shortly after this man moved in. So thats 2 family members i never heard or seen again at a young age.
We stayed in that horrible town untill i was about 11, and we moved to a place called Lecanto(its in central FL, about an hour from Ocala) I spent most of my school days in the corner of the classroom doing nothing but writing poems and books. I was working on a really good one called Mirror, Mirror, Tell it All, but then later realized, its a little to much like the Freddy movies ~sigh~ allwell, im in the process of changing it around a bit. Or maybe ill just say "screw it" and let it stay how it is.
So yeah, enter High School. Yippie. I continued to stay in the corner and write my stories and poems. And, as expected, i fail the 9th grade because of it lol. So here i am, a second year 9th grader. And what happens next? Well, i didnt refail the grade, i just refailed english.(I somehow managed to pass math the second time) So i had to go to a night class to make that up. Which i only went twice and finished all my work and passed O.O
So the 11th grade and 12th grade were more better, besides continuing to fail math a few more times cause it just doesnt make sence ><
Right after i graduated, i sorta followed in my sisters footsteps...moving the hell outa that small hick town. She had met someone online and immediatly after graduation, moved in with him. Then after about a year together, they moved to Arizona. So...after i graduated i went to go visit them, and met the love of my life. Knowing i didnt wanna go back to Lecanto, i did the scariest thing to date...i told my mom i was moving to Tucson.
That whole...summer was not fun but let me tell you, it was well worth it. Im still with that bf, and even though we have completely differnt views and goals on certain things, im still happy. Its more better now between us that i dont work. My first job here was at a TJ Maxx..i made 5.15 an hour..i had to walk home by myself at 11:30pm every night. So of course, i ended up quiting, but i did put a year of my time there :)
It took me a while to find a new job, but i found a really good on, at a Brueggars Bagels. My boss was awesome, and she wouldnt let me call in sick or come in late or go home early(which is exactly what i needed, a strict boss, it helped so much) She was my age and she made it fun, becasue we both seriously hated our jobs lol. By the time i left there, i was makin 7.50 an hour. It took me 2 years to get that far, and a LOT of my time...and when i found out people who were just hired and didnt do a damn thing were getting paid the same as me, i just stoped going. Screw them.
Now brings me to my last and funniest job ever, i worked at a local Video Mart. Our main source of money? The Porn section. I just coulndt work again after working there for the month(I got laid off, there prices were to damn cheap to stay open, 2 bucks for a porno and 1 buck for a real movie, i mean comeon...)but yeah, i truely hate the older male population, im sorry, but that bunch is just...disgusting. I mean wipe your freakin hands clean before you touch another video! I kept latex gloves on the whole time i was in that place.
Wow so much for keeping this short huh. Well, almost bf got a job working for the military right after he graduated, and we moved to a place called Sierra Vista, AZ. Its really nice here, and small, the type of town im used to. If we were to have a house and some land, i wouldnt mind staying here forever. Naaaahhh who am i kidding, i hate Arizona lol. We hope to land in alabama near my parents soon(cause i wanna!) or in Alaska, cause its to pretty over there and the land is cheap. Time will tell!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
OMG ><
So after going through alot of my stuff, i jumped for joy when i finally found my cash of disks that had my writings on them. Then after rushing to my laptop and searching all over the damned thing, my heart just sank...i only have a cd drive on this laptop :( my disks are useless here.
~sigh~ 1 day ill have to go to the library and print all this out. Half of it i havnt even looked at since high school(which was lets, its been 4 years since i stepped inside a school lol)
Or maybe...~dun dun dunnnnn~ ill make new stuff or try to remember my old stuff.
I'll try later today i guess, untill then!
~settles down on the nice comfy couch and cracks open "The Killing Dance" by Laurell K Hamilton~
~sigh~ 1 day ill have to go to the library and print all this out. Half of it i havnt even looked at since high school(which was lets, its been 4 years since i stepped inside a school lol)
Or maybe...~dun dun dunnnnn~ ill make new stuff or try to remember my old stuff.
I'll try later today i guess, untill then!
~settles down on the nice comfy couch and cracks open "The Killing Dance" by Laurell K Hamilton~
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Apparently my nickname is the name of a band interesting...I was givin the nickname because i love sweet things O.O i swear i had no idea LOL to freakin bad, im keeping it! I like it to much, it fits me perfectly :)
My Rant for the Day
As of right now, i dont work. My boyfriend makes enough money to where i dont have to and we can still get by just fine. Which is a good thing being as 1: we own 1 car. 2: he leaves for work way before any other place opens. 3: we live to far for me to walk or bike to work. and 4:Its a small town and buses dont exsist here.
So for the past...6 months or so ive been a stay at home girlfriend, cooking, cleaning, taking care of the animals and just plain being bored out of my freakin mind. We live in an apartment building, and theres an old couple above us who are just about the rudest people i have ever met. Stomping around like 8 year olds throwing a temper tantrum and slamming there doors left and right and always, and i mean ALWAYS they have there TV full volumn...ugh...oh and if i even think to sneeze or cough, they go shitwild and start stomping on the ground and walls towards sorry but if i was in my late 50's and living in an apartment be embarassed and keeping the fuck quiet so nobody notices(no offence to whoever fits that profile but damn...i would at least hope your not idiots like them)
And as for the people who live across the way from us, well, geezy they sure do like to let everybody know what kind of music they listen to. Good for us the people who live above them are more fed up with it them me. I feel sorry for them, i can hear and feel it perfectly and i only have a smal portion of my wall connected to them! The girl who lives up there got really pissed last night cause this is going on the 4th night in a row, she just..totally blew up in there face about it and today there was someone from the office putting a notice on there door. So i unno, hopefully they get kicked out.
But yeah, lol other then that this town is nice. It's a military town(thats where the bf works, on the base) The weather is nice here, doesnt get to hot or does snow ever so often. This place would actually be perfect, you know, if i wasnt in a freakin apartment living next to idiots still.
My boyfriend keeps making these wierd demands. No more TV...ok no more tv, thats fine i only watch 1 show anyways(i gotta have my Lost, dont laugh lol.) its easy enough to download what i wanna watch, so fine, get rid of the tv.
We're gonna start going hiking, and learning how to survive in the wild!...ummm ok Mr. Techy Geek turned survivalist, where the hell did that come from? You never did a damn thing outside your whole life, and now you wanna start? Ok fine, whatever, some freash air will do me good and get me away from these idiots fora day.
We're gonna get some B.O.B.S(bug out bag for those who dont know, a bag you fill with crap you need for then the SHTF) and a big first aid kit, and some buckets stocked full of foods and a truck to lug it all around when we need to leave. Sure...why still a firm believer of a Zombie Apocalypse.
We're gonna get some guns and go to the range every weekend and get really good at them! Again...why not..zombies are scary, id like to have a better chance at surviving.
Well im sure you get my computer savvy boyfriend who always talked about having the most uptodate electronics and crap, has turned into a survivalist nut. Its all good, nothing wrong with wanting to protect your family i guess. But that kinda gets to my point, which i guess i should get to since you read this far into it(hellloooooo?? Anybody still there? You DID read this far into it right?)
Well my point...he's making all these demands and changes but yet he doesnt give a rats ass about the 3 fucking things i want in life. You know, the "girly" things. A marriage, a baby, and a house. I understand those things are expensive, but he keeps saying "I dont want a kid untill i can pay in cash for it and have a Collage Loan started up for it and a Car Loan started up for it and blah blah blah cash falling out of my ass"
Yeah well im sorry but, who the hell ever actually has the money for a kid? Unless you were born into a multimillionaire family, you just dont. Who the hell can every pay in cash for a house with lots of land? Unless you lucked out, hah. Marriage? Well court houses make that cheap and easy, so i unno his problem there.
Its been 4 years together now, and the way hes talking about having money before we do anything(but of course buying guns and hiking gear and a truck and pantrys full of canned food dont count.....~sigh~)i wont get anything i want untill lets see, ever....
And he calls me the materialistic one.
I never asked for anything other then those 3 things. I also dont want anything other then those 3 things, id be happy with just those 3 things. And yes, i know, i know, its expensive, but omg, dont deny me my wants and needs when your just happy as a pig in shit with all the crap your wanting out of life. Theres no room to compromise or anything, its all a "I work and you dont, Im the man and your not, I make the desisions and you dont" bullshit.
Yeah well...rereading this just reminded me of how pissed i am right now and i just dont think i can finish this rant. So if you read the whole thing, ~Cheers~ to you, and if you didnt understand a damn thing, welcome to my world, im still trying to figure out how he calls this a relationship when really, it seems im just his maid along for the ride. He insists he loves me and wants to be with me, well...time to start showing i say.
So for the past...6 months or so ive been a stay at home girlfriend, cooking, cleaning, taking care of the animals and just plain being bored out of my freakin mind. We live in an apartment building, and theres an old couple above us who are just about the rudest people i have ever met. Stomping around like 8 year olds throwing a temper tantrum and slamming there doors left and right and always, and i mean ALWAYS they have there TV full volumn...ugh...oh and if i even think to sneeze or cough, they go shitwild and start stomping on the ground and walls towards sorry but if i was in my late 50's and living in an apartment be embarassed and keeping the fuck quiet so nobody notices(no offence to whoever fits that profile but damn...i would at least hope your not idiots like them)
And as for the people who live across the way from us, well, geezy they sure do like to let everybody know what kind of music they listen to. Good for us the people who live above them are more fed up with it them me. I feel sorry for them, i can hear and feel it perfectly and i only have a smal portion of my wall connected to them! The girl who lives up there got really pissed last night cause this is going on the 4th night in a row, she just..totally blew up in there face about it and today there was someone from the office putting a notice on there door. So i unno, hopefully they get kicked out.
But yeah, lol other then that this town is nice. It's a military town(thats where the bf works, on the base) The weather is nice here, doesnt get to hot or does snow ever so often. This place would actually be perfect, you know, if i wasnt in a freakin apartment living next to idiots still.
My boyfriend keeps making these wierd demands. No more TV...ok no more tv, thats fine i only watch 1 show anyways(i gotta have my Lost, dont laugh lol.) its easy enough to download what i wanna watch, so fine, get rid of the tv.
We're gonna start going hiking, and learning how to survive in the wild!...ummm ok Mr. Techy Geek turned survivalist, where the hell did that come from? You never did a damn thing outside your whole life, and now you wanna start? Ok fine, whatever, some freash air will do me good and get me away from these idiots fora day.
We're gonna get some B.O.B.S(bug out bag for those who dont know, a bag you fill with crap you need for then the SHTF) and a big first aid kit, and some buckets stocked full of foods and a truck to lug it all around when we need to leave. Sure...why still a firm believer of a Zombie Apocalypse.
We're gonna get some guns and go to the range every weekend and get really good at them! Again...why not..zombies are scary, id like to have a better chance at surviving.
Well im sure you get my computer savvy boyfriend who always talked about having the most uptodate electronics and crap, has turned into a survivalist nut. Its all good, nothing wrong with wanting to protect your family i guess. But that kinda gets to my point, which i guess i should get to since you read this far into it(hellloooooo?? Anybody still there? You DID read this far into it right?)
Well my point...he's making all these demands and changes but yet he doesnt give a rats ass about the 3 fucking things i want in life. You know, the "girly" things. A marriage, a baby, and a house. I understand those things are expensive, but he keeps saying "I dont want a kid untill i can pay in cash for it and have a Collage Loan started up for it and a Car Loan started up for it and blah blah blah cash falling out of my ass"
Yeah well im sorry but, who the hell ever actually has the money for a kid? Unless you were born into a multimillionaire family, you just dont. Who the hell can every pay in cash for a house with lots of land? Unless you lucked out, hah. Marriage? Well court houses make that cheap and easy, so i unno his problem there.
Its been 4 years together now, and the way hes talking about having money before we do anything(but of course buying guns and hiking gear and a truck and pantrys full of canned food dont count.....~sigh~)i wont get anything i want untill lets see, ever....
And he calls me the materialistic one.
I never asked for anything other then those 3 things. I also dont want anything other then those 3 things, id be happy with just those 3 things. And yes, i know, i know, its expensive, but omg, dont deny me my wants and needs when your just happy as a pig in shit with all the crap your wanting out of life. Theres no room to compromise or anything, its all a "I work and you dont, Im the man and your not, I make the desisions and you dont" bullshit.
Yeah well...rereading this just reminded me of how pissed i am right now and i just dont think i can finish this rant. So if you read the whole thing, ~Cheers~ to you, and if you didnt understand a damn thing, welcome to my world, im still trying to figure out how he calls this a relationship when really, it seems im just his maid along for the ride. He insists he loves me and wants to be with me, well...time to start showing i say.
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